Monday, August 2, 2010

The Christmas Tree Dilemna

Yes, the old Christmas tree debate...real or fake...tree lot or u-cut...or, none at all?  Now, personally, I looove having a fresh Christmas tree at home (how can you not love that smell?), but it does make me sad to know that a tree (which has taken years and years to grow) has to be cut down purely for my own enjoyment.  (And, sorry, no fake tree for's just not the same! I'd honestly rather have no tree at all).  Well, this year, my husband and I are going to a family Christmas tree farm (in Oregon City) that practices more environmentally-friendly practices.  Although their trees are not certified organic (I couldn't find any family farms in Oregon that are 100% organic), the farm does use organic farming practices...meaning that they don't use spray or fertilizers.  Let me tell you, I am very excited about this. :) 

Here's a great article I read recently, about the whole Christmas tree issue, in case you'd like to read more:

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